# We are developers,
# so I wrote code to celebrate Valentine's Day in developer's way.
i = Boy("Anton");
u = Girl("Lena");
# We know each other for more than 10 years.
# We married for almost 8 years.
marry(u, i, date='07.10.2017');
# All the time together we spent in harmony and happiness every day.
happy(u, i);
# We enjoy travelling together.
travel(u, i);
# We enjoy cooking and eating together.
thingsThatMakeUsFatButStillBeautiful(u, i);
# We enjoy every moment together.
HAPPY = true;
Timer.scheduledTimer((_) => HAPPY == true);
# We have a wonderful daughter together.
Kate = love(u, i);
# Sometimes we can have small conflicts.
conflict(u, i, sometimes=true, size=SMALL);
# But we are getting more and more in harmony together.
# You are the greatest love of my life.
while (true) {
if (u.with(i)) {
u = everything;
} else {
everything = u;
# I love you forever.
Lena, I have fallen in love with you for
Love u forever and ever.